dental services

Four Dental Services Offered in North Raleigh

If you’re looking for a dentist, you need an office offering various dental services so that you can schedule all your services at the same location and receive comprehensive care from a team of professionals committed to improving your oral health. Whether you’re interested in dental cleanings, cosmetic treatments, or treatments to address dental conditions, a professional and experienced dentist in North Raleigh will be able to address all your dental and oral health concerns, big and small.

Four Dental Services Offered in North Raleigh

1. Professional Teeth Cleanings

One of the simplest ways to invest in your oral health is by scheduling regular professional teeth cleanings. These cleanings remove germs and bacteria from the mouth and plaque from the teeth to help keep your gums and teeth as healthy as possible.

Regular teeth cleanings scheduled every six months will help you feel confident in your oral health and also detect any issues early on so you can move forward with the right treatment plan before they become more complicated dental issues. Professional teeth cleanings are both prescriptive and preventative as they allow the dentist to diagnose any dental conditions and move forward with the right treatments while also taking steps to prevent dental issues.

2. Teeth Whitening

Teeth discoloration, staining, or yellow teeth can affect your confidence in your smile. If you want brighter, whiter teeth, you may be the perfect candidate for teeth whitening. This treatment process is fast and affordable and will effectively brighten discolored teeth and help you achieve your ideal shade of brighter white.

When you undergo a professional teeth whitening treatment and forgo the at-home methods, you can lighten your teeth anywhere from three to eight shades, and you’ll see results within an hour of the treatment process.

3. Sleep Apnea Treatments

One of the benefits of seeking out dental care at Rebecca E Reeves DMD, PA, is that we offer customized treatments for health conditions related to oral health, like sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is often associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, type two diabetes, and other health conditions. We design dental treatment plans that take a holistic approach to treating sleep apnea with customized sleep appliances so you can get better sleep and experience an improved quality of life.

4. Periodontal Disease Therapy

Periodontal disease is a condition that affects the gums and teeth and begins as gingivitis. When detected early, gingivitis is completely reversible, but more advanced stages of periodontitis require the right treatment plan to manage the symptoms and promote optimal oral health.

If you’re suffering from any stage of periodontal disease, you can schedule a consultation at our office, and we can design a treatment plan to prevent tooth loss and take steps to promote the healthiest gum tissue.

If you’re looking for comprehensive dental care administered by a team of professionals you can trust, we can help. We offer a variety of services and can meet all your dental needs. Contact us today at Rebecca E Reeves DMD, PA, in Raleigh, NC, to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation.

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